The Grimoire of Maria de Naglowska

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The Grimoire of Maria de Naglowska by Robert North
At last, Robert North reveals the secret teachings of Maria de Naglowska, the Sophiale of Montparnasse and the self-tyled "Satanic Woman" Maria taught her sex magical doctrines to the symbolist and surrealist artists of 1930's Paris. Her techniques included sensory deprivation, ceremonial magic, sexual intercourse with demons and angels and erotic asphyxia.
Her students included William Seabrook, Andre Breton, Antonin Artaud, Michel Leiris, Georges Batille and her lover, Julius Evola. Her Brotherhood of the Golden Arrow even included Jean Paulhan, publisher and inspirational source for The Story of O.
Robert North is well known to students of the occult for his translation of Pascale Beverly Randolph's Sexual Magic and his original treatment of the history of sado-magic, The New Flesh Palladium. Robert North has also published two illustrated novels about Maria de Naglowska, Aleister Crowley and Emma Hardinge Britten called The Mystery of the Seven Palms and The Adventures of Max Gravity.
This is my favorite of the sexual magic trilogy (Sexual Magic, The New Flesh Palladium and The Grimoire of Maria de Naglowska). It contains a good bit of newly translated material from Maria.
Buy it. . .you know you want to. All proceeds go to sado-magick experiments. That makes you an investor and philantropist. Aumgn.
The Grimoire of Maria de Naglowska by Robert North
At last, Robert North reveals the secret teachings of Maria de Naglowska, the Sophiale of Montparnasse and the self-tyled "Satanic Woman" Maria taught her sex magical doctrines to the symbolist and surrealist artists of 1930's Paris. Her techniques included sensory deprivation, ceremonial magic, sexual intercourse with demons and angels and erotic asphyxia.
Her students included William Seabrook, Andre Breton, Antonin Artaud, Michel Leiris, Georges Batille and her lover, Julius Evola. Her Brotherhood of the Golden Arrow even included Jean Paulhan, publisher and inspirational source for The Story of O.
Robert North is well known to students of the occult for his translation of Pascale Beverly Randolph's Sexual Magic and his original treatment of the history of sado-magic, The New Flesh Palladium. Robert North has also published two illustrated novels about Maria de Naglowska, Aleister Crowley and Emma Hardinge Britten called The Mystery of the Seven Palms and The Adventures of Max Gravity.
This is my favorite of the sexual magic trilogy (Sexual Magic, The New Flesh Palladium and The Grimoire of Maria de Naglowska). It contains a good bit of newly translated material from Maria.
Buy it. . .you know you want to. All proceeds go to sado-magick experiments. That makes you an investor and philantropist. Aumgn.
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