Bonne Anniversaire Marie Laveau!

Greetings of the Winter holy day of Candlemas, known to the pagani as Imbolg. On this day in 1827, the Voodoo High Priestess Marie Laveau was born to Marie Laveau and Christophe Glapion. They danced all night in Congo Square. To celebrate, trace your favorite Vever in blood and travel through the Vever as an astral door. Erzulie Dantor might be a good one to try. . .
As you know, the web site is now open for New Flesh Palladium business at:
We plan to utilise this blog to cover new information about Maria de Naglowska and French Occultism in general. When Napoleon conquered Egypt, a major magickal current was initiated. We will be looking in depth at St. Yves-d'Alveydra as an important and often misunderstood source of western occult chic. In this blog, we will also delve into Fin-de-Sciele Decadent Art Magic, including the adventures of Earl Lavender.
Recently, we have received public interest in the New Flesh teachings. We will also try to address question which have been sent in. The relationship of A.O.Spare's theories of Art and current 3D graphic programs, avatars, virtual worlds and other esoteric IT related stuff will be touched on. We will also be reprinting our biography of Maria de Naglowska a chapter at a time so stay tuned!
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