Maya Deren, perhaps best known as a film maker whose credits include "The Divine Horsemen" (Film and Book), worked briefly for William Seabrook as assistant submissive in his B & D psychic experiments. In Paris, Seabrook experimented with breath play in the company of Maria de Naglowska. It is not known who initiated this work which later became Maria's "Ritual of the Hanging". We do know that Seabrook was infatuated with the relation of breath control with spiritual vision as is outlined in his book, "Witchcraft". Japanese Rope Bondage, illustrated here, is a form of breath control. The ropes breath with the submissive in a restricted manner determined by the master. Out of the body experience is a common occurence in this situation.
Maya Deren is an important member of the New Flesh Palladium. Her visionary talents ultimately allow the first post-mortem communication with Maria de Naglowska.
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