The Strange Life of Maria de Naglowska

Maria de Naglowska was the most facile spokeswoman of the "third term of the
Divine Feminine". In an era when male prophets proclaimed a
sexual path to enlightenment through the worship of God as Woman,
it is only Maria de Naglowska who finds the courage to express
her revelations in a frank and explicit manner. While her life
may recall a similarity to her predecessor Helena Petrovna
Blavatsky, we should remember that HPB advocated sexual
abstention and went to some lengths to prove her own physical
virginity. Maria, as we shall see, took a different path.
It was with a serene audacity that Maria de Naglowska
attacked the social and spiritual prej udices which plagued the
occult destiny of woman. As a great Initiate, she began her
prophetic mission to teach the exoteric and esoteric aspects of
sexuality in a movement of the Luciferian religion. She
therefore organised a sect, the "Confrerie de la Fleche d 'Or",
the Brotherhood of the Golden Arrow, and promoted her teachings
by public presentations and through her revue/ newsletter, "La
Fleche" (The Arrow). Henri Meslin, in his Theory and Practice of
Sexual Magic, writes "Maria de Naglowska began her apostleship
at Montparnasse in 1931. With a rare talent, she preached the
future of a new era, the redemption of Satan, the enlightenment
of sexual magic, the religion of the Divine Mother and the cult
of the priestesses of love. She publicly initiated two of her
devotees in a chapel in the montparnasse quarter with a splendid
ceremony to which journalists were invited.
Meslin also says, "According to
Maria de Naglowska the door of heaven is opened by sacred sexual
union. But the woman must offer herself to the man without
sexual egotism. There lies the great secret of magical love and
the future morality of the woman who would be mother or
priestess. If she would be a mother, she gives birth physically;
if she would be a priestess, she gives birth to the Light of Sex.
But if she commits the most abject crimes against nature and the
supreme laws of the universe by ignoring this secret, she becomes
a prostitute."
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