Sex Magic as Baby Making

I realise that most of you already know this. But, for Minervals. . .
PB Randolphs instructions on Sexual Magic originate with Isaac of Luria. this Rabbi was one of the Messianic Kabbalists who belived that the Messiah was about to manifest. His interpretation of Torah was that the duty of the "Priests of YHVH" was to make the created world a more beautiful place, suitable for the Messiah's arrival (Noble idea!).
This inspired Isaac to write a series of instructions for a married couple to have sex in a loving, affectional manner. The good rabbi theorized that a loving couple, embracing romantic affections and experiencing mutual orgasm would have a brighter and happier child (makes sense to me).
If one reads PB Randolphs "Sexual Magic" closely, this sentiment will become apparent. PBR, Max Bimstein and the HB of L folks merely extended the idea to a Faustian concept of reaping material rewards from following this basic "Joy of Sex" approach to eugenics.
Yeah. So, for all of you Sado/Satanic/Sex/Magicians (like me), the idea of prayer and orgasm to yield magickal results is actually (and I hate to admit it) A FAUSTIAN DEAL WITH MATERIALISM whereby the magician gets 20 years of material "things" in return for his soul. In plain terms, sex magic can only be practiced safely with a full awareness of the No-Mind doctrine of Gautama Buddha. About 500 BC, the Buddha explains (in the Dhammapada) that the ego is an illusion created by the 5 Skandhas. Knowledge of this reality qualifies one for the title of Arhat. If there are any Arhats reading this, I would love to hear from them.
Gotta go.