That's right. The Outer Cicle of the New Flesh Palladium is now closed to the public. Due to a vote by the membership, the Order will focus on it's work and develop the magickal techniques of the Third Term of the Trinity.
This Blog will remain active in order to present the teachings of Maria de Naglowska, Fabre d'Olivet, St. Yves d'Alvedre and the Magisteri of the Fleche d'Or.
So, we begin with the Archeometre:
As if ruled by a human Astronomy, those guides appear from era to era, from people to people, lighting darkness, guiding, removing obstacles and illuminating the direction of the Collectivities. For a period of time more or less long and in accordance to the nature of the environments, there they work to clarify implanted deformations, giving them a general meaning and an elected rebirth. They come when their time has arisen, to accomplish one of the functions we had already described (1), and all gets attracted and functions like in a system of gravitation.
The highest degree being the Theocracy, world people are always visited at the right time by one of the types of the first Order who has his degrees himself: Orpheus, Numa, Pythagoras. In this fashion, they are invited to participate to a maximum in the Life of society and of civilisation, not only for their own peace but also as an example to Humanity.
Our Missions prove that nobody has had more admiration for the great men of our times then we did, meaning those of the Ancient Greek-Latin era. We can not say the same about the Athenians and the Romans, municipal inversions of those remarkable individualities.
Actually, among all historic environments, there has never been anybody more refractory to that supreme Organism than the Athenians and the Romans. Never ever human quality has had such an amount of more chaotic affairs, more anarchist in their essence, more individualistic in terms of the mundane, and consequently more rebellious to the Individuality. "
As if ruled by a human Astronomy, those guides appear from era to era, from people to people, lighting darkness, guiding, removing obstacles and illuminating the direction of the Collectivities. For a period of time more or less long and in accordance to the nature of the environments, there they work to clarify implanted deformations, giving them a general meaning and an elected rebirth. They come when their time has arisen, to accomplish one of the functions we had already described (1), and all gets attracted and functions like in a system of gravitation.
The highest degree being the Theocracy, world people are always visited at the right time by one of the types of the first Order who has his degrees himself: Orpheus, Numa, Pythagoras. In this fashion, they are invited to participate to a maximum in the Life of society and of civilisation, not only for their own peace but also as an example to Humanity.
Our Missions prove that nobody has had more admiration for the great men of our times then we did, meaning those of the Ancient Greek-Latin era. We can not say the same about the Athenians and the Romans, municipal inversions of those remarkable individualities.
Actually, among all historic environments, there has never been anybody more refractory to that supreme Organism than the Athenians and the Romans. Never ever human quality has had such an amount of more chaotic affairs, more anarchist in their essence, more individualistic in terms of the mundane, and consequently more rebellious to the Individuality. "
Yep, those Invisible Masters are everywhere. Stay tuned for instructions on how to contact the Elohim.