The BVM transforms into Lilith: Faustine is the Key.

I had gone up to the holy chapel and was about to open the door when I saw written on it in letters of fire, Dare not to enter, thou whom I have spewed out of my mouth.
I saw on every side an abyss full of hideous monsters who called me brother.
I called on the Divine Mary, Mother of God, to help me. . .Suddenly I saw great
whirlpools of flame across from the abyss into which I was about to fall. I heard yells of furious exultation and could pray no longer, when a voice filled my ears.
Behold Mary, whom you called your shield against us, behold her gracious smile,
hear her gracious voice. I saw her above the abyss. Her eyes of heavenly blue were filled with fire, her red lips were violet, her mild and divine voice had become terrible and like a thunderbolt she hurled these words at me:
Writhe, proud one, in the burning regions inhabited by devils.
The horned succubus Faustine has been damned. It is only through her capacity for self sacrifice that the Seven Palms may achieve redemption.